CCLP Info Session Aug 7th, 2024 - Online

Air date: Wednesday, Aug 7th, 2023 1:00pm Est

As part of this Info Session, you’ll learn:

  • About CITT, as well as the CCLP designation and the professional benefits of holding it
  • The benefits of becoming a CITT student and CITT-Certified Logistics Professional
  • What to expect from CITT courses
  • About the registration process, including advanced standing options and the new Challenge On-Ramp to the CCLP Designation

    There will also be plenty of time for you to ask any questions you might have.

You should attend if:

  • You’re interested in learning more about the CCLP designation, program of study or Challenge On-Ramp
  • You’re considering earning your CCLP designation and want more information
  • You have specific questions about CITT and the CCLP designation


In order to register you need a CITT account. If you already have a CITT account, you can login using the "Sign In" fields to the right. Or use the "Create Account" button to create a new account.

Once you are logged in, scroll down and press the green “Register Myself” button.

Next, select the green “Proceed to Checkout (this is a FREE Info Session, but you’ll need to check out to register)” button at the bottom of the page.

If you need help completing your registration, please contact Anthony Melchionna at

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