CCLP Practice Test

Take the Practice Test before you try the Challenge On-Ramp to the CCLP Designation!

Taking this practice test will give you a good idea of what it will be like to take the actual multiple choice exam portion of the CCLP Challenge On-Ramp. The test consists of 65 multiple choice questions that will test your knowledge, skills and abilities related to the 8 critical competencies identified in CITT's logistics professional competency profile:

  • Integrated Logistics
  • Operations Management
  • Distribution
  • Transportation
  • Customs & Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • Relationship Management
  • Leadership

After you complete the practice test, we'll send you a report outlining your high-level results, indicating which competency areas you performed well in, and where you might want to consider additional study or training before attempting the actual exam. If you have any questions, please contact Anthony Melchionna at

Please note, if you take the practice test, you will not receive a copy of the correct answers, but rather, a report showing how you did overall compared to the passmark, and how you did in each of the 8 competency areas compared to the passmark for each area, with a recommendation on whether or not to proceed to the Challenge Exam, or where you might benefit from additional study or experience first.

How to Register for this Practice Test:

  1. You'll need to be logged in to sign up. If you aren't already logged in, please use the "Sign In" fields to the right. If you've forgotten your login information, you can click "Forgot Username" or "Forgot Password", or contact the CITT national office for help.

  2. Once you're logged in, click on the green Register Myself button

  3. Click the green Proceed to Checkout button

If you need any help registering, please contact Anthony Melchionna at

8/1/2023 - 7/31/2024